What’s Planned?
Special events & Guest Appearances

Upcoming Appearances

PAX Unplugged, Philadelphia December 2024
Assuming that I can organise a visa, & raise the funds, I’ll be heading to PAX U for 2024.
If you’re looking to collaborate while I’m there, including on panels, please let me know.
There will be a Lair meet up while there too – accessible for any who want to come, & won’t require a PAX pass to be a part of.

Previous Appearances

PAX AUS, Melbourne October 2023
I flew to Melbourne for 2 weeks!
We held a Lair meet up & photo opportunity outside PAX Aus so that Lairizens who wished to attend didn’t have to also fund a ticket to the convention. It was a great way for me to put faces to usernames & despite the cold it was a LOT of fun!
Our panel, Crit or Kiss the Monster Manual, completely filled the Drop Bear Theatre on the Saturday night. Not only did it require a third overflow line, but the entire first row were medical badge holders, & there was a border along the inside of the doors of PAX Enforcers who had finished shifts & wanted to watch too!
It was an absolute riot of laughs, with the folks I shared that table with being incredible fun, utter chaos & the perfect blend of silly & ridiculous.

Jaspers Game Week Aussie Edition 2023
Jasper’s Game Week Aussie Edition is returning for its third year!
15th – 20th May 2023
We did fundraising on behalf of Jasper’s Game Day (suicide prevention & awareness) & the Black Dog Institute (protecting and promoting mental health at work).
I was in two games:
Teens in Space, run by Ellen Graham of Role to Cast, on 16th May at 5pm AWST (GMT+8)
Humblewood, using Dungeons & Dragons 5e on 19th May at 10am AWST (GMT+8)
These games are designed to raise funds for these charities, so 3 places in each game were open to the public to attend by auction, & donations during the game affected our games via help, hinder, & causing general chaos.